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Design thinking for good.

Mars began out of a desire to support social and environmental change. Two decades on, we are still doing just that.

People on stage smiling at the 2021 CFA Access Awards

Our Vision

We envision a world where change makers unite and collaborate to create a positive impact. By building an ecosystem that empowers social innovators, we strive to make good things happen for people and the planet.

Meaningful works

We are an ecosystem of support for change-makers to achieve real impact, together. This is our approach.

We’re relationship-led

From good relationships, good things grow. People are at the heart of driving change, so we make relationships our project to build trust and authenticity in all that we do.

We are connected

Change-makers cannot go it alone. We work as an interconnected support network with dynamic expertise who share in a genuine commitment to change.

We partner, for good

“We partner for good” is a philosophy that emphasises the power of collaboration between Mars and social ventures to create positive societal change. It recognises we have different strengths and resources that, when combined, can lead to greater impact and innovation.

We design for all

Accessibility is design, inclusion is value. We design to remove barriers so that all people are included in a meaningful future.

Behind-the-scenes image of a photo shoot of the SECCA launch. Two photographers are looking at a screen while a Mars staff member is speaking with the client.
Portrait of Catrina Luz-Aniere standing in front of Indigenous artwork.

Our partnership with Mars is really important to us. When you work with people who know your values and goals, you can make it up as you go when you need to. When we are working On Country with kids we have to be able to think and adapt quickly on our feet.

Catrina Luz-Aniere, Director, Green Lab

Let's connect

We know why and how change needs to happen to create genuine social impact.

Contact us